The Finnish Bibliodrama Association
Bibliodrama, the functional and expressive method of reading the Bible has been used in Finland from the year 1986. The training for Bibliodrama facilitators started 1988. At the moment there are more than 150 trained Bibliodrama facilitators in Finland. The movement has matured and organized itself. It also has its own place in the European Bibliodrama. The Finnish Bibliodrama Association was established on Sep 12th 2004 within a National Bibliodrama Conference. In the constitutive meeting 37 members joined the Association.
The purpose and the activities
The purpose of Finnish Bibliodrama Association is to develop Bibliodrama and strengthen its status in Finland. The Association strives for promoting co-operation between those using Bibliodrama. The long-term objective is to secure the training of new Bibliodrama facilitators and the up-dating education of the existing facilitators. At the moment the facilitator training is carried out by the Training Centre of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The Finnish Bibliodrama Association organizes conferences, seminars, training events and counselling related to it´s field. Apart from the communication between the members the Association is also networking with other organizations and institutions using Bibliodrama in Finland and elsewhere in the world. The Association also follows the development of the Bibliodrama methods around the world and transmits information and know-how within the international co-operation network. International Bibliodrama workshops and training events are important.
Membership of the Finnish Bibliodrama Association
A person with Bibliodrama facilitator´s training or equivalent approved by the Board of the Association can be accepted as an actual Member of the Association. The Applicant also has to agree with the purpose and the rules of the Association. The Board has to perceive that the Applicant is conditioned to participate in the activities of the Association.
A private person or a legal entity that wants to support the purpose and the activities of the Association can be accepted as an Advocacy Member.
To apply for membership an online membership application is to be filled. Since this currently is only available in Finnish, the people interested in becoming members of the Association using other languages should contact directly the Chairperson or the Secretary of the Board.
Contact information
Suomen bibliodraamayhdistys ry
Leena Väyrynen-Si, chairman
Phone: +358 40 0882 251
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